Warren E. Logan, Jr
Warren E. Logan, Jr.
President & CEO, Urban League of Greater Chattanooga
Twitter: @ulchattanooga
James T. McLawhorn, Jr.
James T. McLawhorn, Jr.
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Columbia Urban League
Twitter: @colaurbanleague
James Perry, J.D.
George H. Lambert Jr.
George H. Lambert Jr.
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Washington Urban League
Twitter: @GWUrbanLeague
George H. Lambert Jr. was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Washington Urban League, Inc. in 2014.
Esther L. Bush
Erika McConduit, Esq
Dr. Erin R. Houston
Dr. Erin R. Houston
President and CEO of the Shenango Valley Urban League
Facebook: Shenango Valley Urban League
William G. Clark
William G. Clark
President & CEO, Urban League of Rochester, NY
Twitter: @UrbanLeagueRoch
William G. Clark was named President & Chief Executive Officer of the Urban League of Rochester, NY, Inc. on June 27, 1994.
Darnell L. Williams
Darnell L. Williams
President and CEO of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts
Facebook: @ULEM